So, I have been thinking a little about something that my bro said in his message on sunday. He was talking on Acts 10. He went into the story of Cornellius and how Peter was told by God to "get up" and go spread the Gospel to the Gentiles. Through this story, Mark asked "who is the gospel for?" He helped us to see how the Gospel is for all of us, no matter how much of freaks we are. He told us to face the fact that all of us are alittle weird...have a little freak in us. I thought about this point for a while. Alot of people might not think of me as a freak or weird. It has been said that I have a high level of social intellegence, for whatever that is worth. However, I think I scare people sometimes. I have noticed, from time-to-time, whenever I am trying to make people welcome I am in actuality making them feel uncomfortable. I will, in an effort to create small talk, say something weird or dumb. I usually can sense when this happens and I back off, but i wish I could stop it before it happens. There is alot to be said for holding the tongue and seeking a spirit of wisdom. However, it is hard to break the ice if you are constently holding your tongue. I guess the small talk is in love in an effort to try to get to know the person but I find it hard to balance the two. "Father, I pray for wisdom and discernment in the things I say. Help me to approach new-comers to Horizon in love and gentleness. Help them to see You in me and I acknowledge that it is by Your Spirit that people continue to come back to Horizon, not my choice of words. May all I say and do be for Your glory and Your glory alone. Amen